Understanding Your Genetic Drives Results

Hosted by Dr. Cody Golman, this personal training will help you understand & interpret your own Genetic Drives Graph by walking through REAL audience members' results.



How the 5 Genetic Drives work together.


Dr. Golman interpret participants' graphs.


Your results and their impact on your life.

You Asked, We Listened

The demand for live Genetic Drive Test readings has been off the charts. So for the first time ever, we're putting on an exclusive webinar with Dr. Golman to do just that. Oh, and it's free.


During this free webinar, Dr. Golman will walk through participants' Genetic Drives Test results and interpret their graphs. This guidance will help you read your own results (if he doesn't have time to get to yours on-air), and you'll have a solid understanding of how your personal Drives work together. EVERYONE'S results are different, so watching him interpret different combinations is SUPER valuable. Trust us! 

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